Most of these blog entries deserve an entire chapter. I have boiled them down to the basics to make them more approachable, and perhaps more inviting. My hope is that some of these serve as the basis for thought or discussion; that readers fill in the details for themselves according to their own experiences and impressions.

Monday, November 1, 2010


As it happens, I am wired in such a way that I am constantly examining life, sometimes in great detail, to a degree that most people see as compulsive. Just happens to be who I am; I actually find it no effort or issue at all. But I’ve come to understand that I may have an unusual perspective, and as such I thought I would write down my observations. Maybe some of it will be useful to others.

This blog is built solidly on the foundation of this quote from Socrates, ”The life which is unexamined is not worth living.” I’m a big believer.
So that's post #1.
Or that's what I settled on. I spent some time trying to guess where this blog is headed, to introduce it accurately, but that's not possible to know yet. And no sense making claims that I would try to stick to in the future. So I abandoned my first draft as too specific...not to mention wordy and maybe a little pompous, because after all, to commit to writing about yourself implies a high opinion of yourself that's necessary in order to this. That makes me uncomfortable, at least for now, but blogging is an accepted part of life and everybody seems to be fine with that part of it. So here I am; I wanna play, too.
Just for the heck of it, and since I don't want to just delete it, here is NOT post #1, the original version that didn't make the cut. What the heck, it's still a valid way to introduce myself.

Not post #1:

                                  Here’s The Plan

My purpose here, my raison d’etre, is to present and discuss observations and  truths about life that I find interesting or instructive. Not out of a belief that my thoughts are special, but, knowing that I’m wired to examine so much in so much detail, with the possibility of introducing a thought or perspective that would not have grown out of your experience. And I hope to be enriched by you as well, by equally foreign-sounding thoughts, if I’m lucky enough to engage readers to the point of feedback.
I feel I have observed much, and I’ve come to many conclusions about what is and what should be. You will find that I’m very sure of my conclusions. But that’s good, right?
I welcome any and all reactions, rebuttals, perspectives, etc. What are your thoughts and observations? What truths do you see? I can’t get it right every time, can I? Humble me, enlighten me, maybe together we’ll learn something new.
About this “examining life” business; there are 2 connected quotes that apply here, and I come down squarely on the side of the first, which is, ”The life which is unexamined is not worth living,” from Socrates. That’s the foundation of this endeavor, right there. (Why, the very foundation!) I interpret that to endorse examination of all of life; not just my own, but mine and any others I can observe or discuss. There’s something to be learned from just about everyone, and with that learning comes tolerance, patience, increased empathy…i.e. growth, all good. To walk a thin path with blinders on is to miss the mountains and valleys; get off the path and climb some trees, jump in the lake, make a mess, have some fun…sounds like a plan!
The other quote, which I don’t attribute because it’s an obvious inversion waiting to happen, is: ”The unlived life is not worth examining.” This to mean, since you’re living a different life than mine, conducting yourself in a different way, your story does not influence mine. I don’t see the value in understanding you so deeply. Eyes straight ahead, it says, don’t get distracted. From what? I don’t know. We shall agree on the foolishness of that approach.  8-D
I will talk about anything and everything; it’s all ‘capital L’ Life. With any luck, the more pieces that are examined and wrapped in some understanding, the better off we’ll all be.
Welcome, thanks for coming.
The table is set…

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